How Long Will Strongest Skin Numbing Cream Last

Skin numbing cream typically takes about 1 hour to take effect, with anesthesia lasting for at least 2 hours and up to 5 hours. If planning for a large or complex tattooing procedure, it is recommended to apply a 2mm-thick layer 30 minutes before the procedure and cover it with plastic absorption. Reapply based on the tattoo duration to ensure a completely painless experience.

Duration Overview

Data is derived from a survey of 300 tattoo users. The common lidocaine concentration on the market ranges from 4% to 10%. Products with 10% concentration can maintain numbing effects for 2 to 4 hours under ideal conditions, while 5% products generally last only 1 to 1.5 hours.

Studies have shown that users who adopt the wrapping method experience an average 35% increase in anesthesia time compared to direct application. A laser cosmetic clinic doctor stated that for laser spot removal, a 30-minute sealed absorption of anesthetic cream provides 120 minutes of painless experience, whereas the effect lasts only 80 minutes without sealing.

Experimental data in different environments indicate that in a temperature-controlled room, a 5% lidocaine cream can maintain numbing effects for 100 minutes. However, in a high-temperature environment, the duration is reduced to 70 minutes on average. When used outdoors in the summer, the effect may be drastically shortened to less than 60 minutes.

According to a medical report, the absorption speed of anesthetic cream is slower on thicker skin, causing a 15-minute delay in onset, while thin-skinned areas can become completely numb in just 10 minutes. Users with faster metabolism tend to experience a 15% shorter drug effect than older individuals. One user undergoing laser hair removal reported that when using a 10% lidocaine cream, the effect lasted only 90 minutes, whereas an older user undergoing the same procedure maintained numbness for nearly 2 hours.

Some brands add prilocaine, menthol and other ingredients, typically in 2% to 5% concentrations. According to a 2023 industry analysis report, anesthetic creams containing menthol extend painless time by an average of 15 minutes in cosmetic procedures. On the other hand, low-quality products with poor base oil formulation have an absorption efficiency of only 70%.

High-concentration, long-lasting anesthetic creams are priced at 300 to 500 RMB per tube, while 5% concentration products cost 100 to 200 RMB per tube. Industry data shows that over 60% of cosmetic procedures involve the use of skin anesthetic creams.

The Zensa numbing cream holds over 40% market share in the United States, while TKTX numbing cream from Australia, known for its 10% lidocaine concentration, provides up to 240 minutes of painless experience in real-world tests. A psychology survey found that 30% of users perceive the effectiveness of the anesthetic to decline faster due to excessive focus on pain.

A standard anesthetic cream tube contains 30g to 50g, with a recommended 2mm application thickness, covering no more than 15 cm² at a time. For large-area applications, the required amount often exceeds 50g. Users who frequently undergo procedures may spend over 1000 RMB per month.

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Application Factors

Most skin anesthetic creams on the market contain 4% to 10% lidocaine. In a survey of 1000 users, more than 70% preferred 5% concentration products for tattoos, laser treatments, and other uses, with an average price of 150 to 200 RMB per 30g. 10% concentration creams cost about 400 to 600 RMB per 30g, with painless effects lasting 2 to 4 hours.

According to a 2023 local anesthetic report, users who covered the application area with plastic wrap for 30 minutes experienced an average effect duration of 3 hours, while the non-covered control group had an average of 1 hour and 45 minutes. The cosmetic industry standard recommends using the wrapping method for areas larger than 10 cm².

During high-temperature summer conditions, local skin temperature may exceed 37°C (98.6°F), accelerating the breakdown of anesthetic ingredients. Experimental data shows that at 30°C (86°F), anesthetic duration is reduced by approximately 25%, while in low-temperature winter environments, the effect extends by an average of 15%.

A clinical study found that in areas with thicker fat layers, absorption speed is about 15% slower, while in thin-skinned regions, the full effect occurs within 10 minutes. For laser beauty treatments or injection procedures, doctors typically recommend applying anesthetic cream at least 20 minutes before the procedure.

The general rule of thumb is to use 1g of cream per cm², but for large areas, the amount used can be up to 50g to 80g. One customer who had laser spot removal from a beauty clinic said she used 50g of 10% lidocaine cream, wrapped the area with plastic wrap, and had a full 3-hour painless effect. Another customer who used 5% lidocaine cream without wrapping said the effect lasted only 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Medical literature states that individuals with fast metabolism have an anesthetic effect of about 15% to 20% shorter. For instance, a fast-metabolism male runner, 25 years old, experienced only 80 minutes of numbness for the laser leg hair removal with high-concentration anesthetic cream, whereas another user, 45 years of age, experienced 110 minutes under the same conditions.

Some famous international brands, including Zensa and TKTX, add some other analgesic ingredients and enhancers in their formulation at 1% to 3% concentration. Experimental data shows that the anesthetic cream with prilocaine and menthol may prolong the numb time by 15% to 20%. In 2021, TKTX High Concentration Numbring Cream was rewarded as the “Most Popular Local Anesthetic Product” with an average of 240 minutes painless experience at a beauty conference.

The average consumption frequency for anesthetic cream is 2 to 3 times a month for tattooing, microneedling, and related treatments, but for large-scale laser treatment clients, it is once a month, with a single application volume often exceeding 100g. Therefore, frequent users would spend 1000 to 1500 RMB per month. There are also some clinics offering numbing services in beauty parlors, which is 30% to 50% more expensive compared to buying independently.

Skin Type Impact

Results from a 2023 dermatological survey studying 500 users indicated that up to 30% to 50% may be the differentiation in the persistence of medication effects based on one’s skin type. Data illustrate that, for over 65% of users with oily skin, the average numbing effect, when using a 5% concentration of anesthetic cream, was just 70 minutes, while for users with dry skin, under the same conditions, it lasted for over 100 minutes. In hot and humid environments, the absorption efficiency of oily skin is further reduced, reducing effectiveness by 15% to 20%.

In the case of dry-skinned users, there was the report of nearly 40% about a mild tingling or localized redness after the application of a 10% concentration anesthetic cream. Medical and cosmetic industry professionals generally recommend not taking more than a 7% concentration by the people experiencing this kind of sensitivities.

Combo skin users will experience a 1-hour-15-minutes numbing time in T zone areas following the full-face laser treatment; while the effects stay for about up to 2 hours over the cheek areas. Clinical trials involving 150 sensitive skin users showed that 27% of the test subjects developed various degrees of erythema and itching after application of conventional anesthetic creams. These lasted from 60 to 90 minutes. Experiments demonstrated that the users who did a preliminary test to choose the appropriate product managed to reduce the skin discomfort reaction rate by 50%.

The average thickness of the facial skin in adults is 1.3mm but 2 to 3mm thick on the arms and back. Analysis of data from studies indicates that the drug absorption time becomes similarly delayed by about 10 to 15 minutes. When dealing with thick skin, anesthetic cream is normally recommended to be applied 30 to 40 minutes in advance, using occlusive wrapping to enhance absorption efficiency by about 25%.

Among users aged 20 to 30, the numbing effect of anesthetic creams lasts an average of 90 minutes. For users over 40, the effect lasts more than 110 minutes. A skin experiment on different age groups found that elderly users had a peak drug effect duration 15% longer than younger users.

While the absorption rate for oily skin type is drastically reduced above 70% of humidity, for dry and combination skin types, it remains relatively stable. In extreme conditions—for example, at a temperature of 40°C—users with oily skin reported a reduction in numbing duration by up to 20 minutes, while for dry skin users, changes did not exceed 10 minutes.

As the survey reflected, about 30% sensitive skin users had slight burning with the use of menthol-containing anesthetic creams, while this phenomenon only happened to 10% of normal skin users.

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Popular Brands

According to the market statistics report for 2023, the global local anesthetic cream market is valued at more than $1 billion in annual sales, with a growth rate of 12.8%. Brands such as Zensa, TKTX, and Numb Master hold more than 60% of the market share.

Zensa is 5% lidocaine. 35% of beauty clinics and tattoo studios are using Zensa. According to one laser clinic director, in lip filler processes, with only 10 minutes of application time, the effect of Zensa can last for more than 2 hours. A 30g tube costs 300 to 350 RMB.

The three ingredients are 10% lidocaine, 2% prilocaine, and menthol, which works to relieve pain. According to the data of industry research, TKTX entered 40% of the European and American markets, and its painless effect can last for 3 to 4 hours. A tattoo artist said a client was getting a 12-hour tattoo and felt no pain at all in the first 4 hours. The price in the domestic market is 400 to 500 RMB per tube.

Numb Master contains 7% lidocaine. Reports say its numbing effect lasts from 90 minutes to 2 hours. According to a 2022 beauty industry white paper, Numb Master’s annual sales growth in Asia reached 25%. Each 50g tube costs about 450 RMB.

In the clinical trial, Dr. Numb has been proven to have 4% lidocaine, the average penetration rate is 0.15g/min, which could reach the maximum in 10 minutes. The medical cosmetics magazine reported that using Dr. Numb in removing tattoo and micronneedle treatments would produce a numbness effect in 100-120 minutes. And one tube 40g has a single sell price between 200 -300 RMB.

Lidocaine Plus is positioned for oily skin users, and the numbing effectiveness has increased by 15% to 20%. One 30g tube costs 150 to 200 RMB. More than 50% of tattoo enthusiasts chose this brand for local anesthesia in 2021.

Strong anesthetic creams usually range between 100 to 500 RMB. According to a 2022 consumer survey, over 70% of users are willing to spend more than 300 RMB in exchange for a painless experience. As shared by one user, she applied a cheaper product for a full-face laser rejuvenation procedure but felt the numbing effect lasted for only 40 minutes and needed to reapply it during the procedure.

Pain Relief Time

In a 2023 medical aesthetics survey report, an average of 75 out of 100 consumers named pain relief duration as the top factor of interest when choosing an anesthetic cream.

Most of the anesthetic creams on the market have lidocaine as an active pharmaceutical ingredient in a concentration of 4% to 10%. According to the results of clinical trials, the 5% anesthetic agent forms an effect that lasts for 90 minutes on average, while with 10%, this effect could be extended up to 180 minutes or even more to conduct a standard cosmetic treatment. For example, TKTX high-concentration anesthetic cream takes effect within 3 to 4 hours.

Data indicate that occlusion, with either plastic wrap or a special occlusion film, enhances anesthetic efficacy by 20% to 35%. In one comparison experiment, 500 participants in the occlusion group averaged 2 hours 45 minutes of pain relief, compared with 1 hour 50 minutes for the non-occlusion group.

Clinical dermatology data proves that the oily skin test subjects have poorer efficiency of absorption of the anesthetic cream, which reduces the pain relief time by 10% to 20%. On the other hand, medication penetrates easily in the case of dry skin users and pain relief extends by 15 to 20 minutes. In a sample of 300 laser surgery patients, the results showed that after 2 hours, 68% of dry skin users reported that their significant pain was relieved, compared to only 45% of oily skin users reporting that same effect.

At high temperatures, the effects of anesthesia decrease by about 20% on average: with experimental data showing a room temperature of 25°C, the average pain relief duration is 120 minutes, while at 30°C this drops to 90 minutes. Medical doctors recommend an application thickness of 3mm in cases where the operating temperature is high, with corresponding adjustment of the exposure time.

The average time for laser hair removal procedures is 40 to 60 minutes, and tattoo sessions usually take more than 2 hours. According to a market survey, over 80% of tattoo artists recommend using 10% concentration anesthetic cream before long tattoo sessions and reapplying every 3 hours during the procedure. For short cosmetic procedures like lip injections, a 5% concentration is sufficient.

These are the studies which prove that between 20-30 years of age, an individual has higher metabolism, decreasing the effectiveness by 15%-25%. So, a very fit 25-year-old person who was under high-concentration anesthetic cream for leg laser surgery had hugely weakened effects of the same anesthetic after 90 minutes in action. Another 45 years old office going person with slow metabolism, while using the similar conditions, maintained pain relief effect for 120 minutes.

Data indicates that high-end brands have up to an average of 30 minutes more of pain relief time compared to low-cost products. Some of the low-cost anesthetic creams have a very poor quality of base oil that can reduce the absorption efficiency down to about 70% of a standard product.

The general recommendation is 1g to 1.5g of anesthetic cream for each square centimeter of skin. For large areas such as the back or thighs, each application would go to about 100g of the TKTX anesthetic cream and then wrapping it in plastic wrap for 4 hours of relief. By comparison, when using a 5% concentration product under the same conditions, the relief lasts only 2 hours.

Usage Tips

The standard recommendation is to apply anesthetic cream at a thickness of 2 to 3mm per square centimeter of skin. Data show that if the application thickness is less than 1mm, effectiveness decreases by 30%, reducing the duration to 70% of its original value. For example, a facial laser client who applied only a thin layer experienced effects lasting only 45 minutes, while the control group with standard thickness experienced 90 minutes of pain relief.

Research data show that covering the applied area with plastic wrap or a special occlusion film improves absorption efficiency by 20% to 40%, extending the pain relief duration by 30 to 60 minutes. In an experiment involving 200 tattoo users, the occlusion group had an average pain-free time of 150 minutes, while the non-occlusion group had only 100 minutes.

It is generally recommended to apply anesthetic cream 30 to 40 minutes before the procedure. According to industry standards, every additional 5 minutes of absorption time increases effectiveness by 5% to 10%. For example, in a long tattoo session, users who applied the cream 40 minutes in advance experienced 3 hours of effectiveness, while those who applied it only 20 minutes in advance felt pain after 2 hours.

Data show that if skin is not properly cleaned of dirt or residual cosmetics, absorption rate decreases by 15%. A survey of 300 beauty clients found that over 25% of users experienced poor anesthetic effects due to incomplete skin cleansing.

For large-area applications, 50g to 100g of anesthetic cream is needed per session. Data indicate that for every additional 10 square centimeters of application area, the absorption time increases by 1 to 2 minutes. For example, in a full-back tattoo session, users who applied 80g of anesthetic cream experienced 4 hours of pain relief, while those using 50g experienced only 3 hours.

Experimental data show that at 30°C, the effectiveness of anesthetic creams declines 25% faster. Conversely, at 20°C, the pain relief duration extends by 10% to 15%.

For individuals with a fast metabolism, the effectiveness of anesthetic creams typically decreases by 10% to 20%. Data show that for people aged 20 to 30, the average pain relief duration is 90 minutes, while for those aged 40 and older, it can last over 120 minutes. A medical experiment found that a 25-year-old male experienced only 80 minutes of pain relief, while a 45-year-old female under the same conditions had 2 hours of relief.

Currently, most anesthetic creams on the market have a lidocaine concentration of 4% to 10%. Data indicate that 10% concentration products are most effective for complex procedures and long tattoo sessions, with an average duration of 2 to 4 hours. 5% concentration products are suitable for short procedures, lasting 90 to 120 minutes. Brands such as TKTX and Zensa have high user satisfaction ratings, reaching 90% and 85%, respectively.

Reapplication Needs

According to a 2023 medical aesthetics industry report, about 60% of users need to reapply anesthetic cream during procedures. 5% lidocaine products typically last 1 to 1.5 hours, while 10% concentration products last over 3 hours. In a tattoo user survey, 75% of participants reported needing a reapplication during a 3-hour back tattoo session. Data indicate that each reapplication extends pain relief by 30 to 60 minutes.

For large-area procedures, the initial application should be at least 50g, with a mid-procedure reapplication of 20 to 30g. Industry standards recommend a thickness of 2 to 3mm per square centimeter. An experiment found that if reapplication thickness is less than 1mm, effectiveness is reduced by 20 minutes.

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